

You have to strike a balance that factors in your personal circumstances, how many copies you might want out there, and what simply feels right.


But so is hanging it up on the lunchroom’s bulletin board. Burying it on a desert island, then, is less than ideal. You’ll want to keep your Emergency Kit in a place that’s secure, but also convenient and retrievable for you or the people who may need access to your account. But we do have a few tips that you should keep in mind. Now then: Where do you keep this thing, once you download it? The truth is there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Download a copy now if you haven’t already, then figure out the best place to store it. It’s an important document that every 1Password user should know about and protect. If you get locked out or want to grant somebody else access to your account, the Kit will come in handy. It also includes the email address used to create your 1Password account and an optional space to fill in your account password. The Emergency Kit groups your account info – including your Secret Key – on a downloadable and printable one-page PDF. This approach to encryption is great for security, but it also means that if you ever forget your account password, our Support team can’t access it for you. That means we couldn’t look at your passwords if we tried – nor could an attacker. Your account password and a randomly generated Secret Key are both required to decrypt your data – and only you have the Secret Key.


Here’s why: To best protect your secrets, every item you save in 1Password is fully encrypted. The 1Password Emergency Kit is a simple document that you should know about and look after if you use 1Password to store your passwords and other sensitive details or documents.


We’re not talking about a flashlight and a pocket knife. Here’s how to keep your Emergency Kit both safe and accessible. But you shouldn’t need to break glass to retrieve it (which is a huge pain to clean up, not to mention dangerous). This short and sweet document keeps all the necessary details for getting into your account in one place. In case of emergency – that is, forgetting your login for 1Password, or someone else needing to get in – the 1Password Emergency Kit can truly save the day.
